Bethel University-Community Impact Report 2021
By Lissa (Grashorn) Diaz ’07 7KH 9DQ DQG -HDQ *DWHV :HOFRPH &HQWHU ZDV GHGLFDWHG $XJ and has been open to admission visitors since then. The beautiful new VSDFH DQ DGGLWLRQ WR WKH KLVWRULF $GPLVVLRQ 2ƅFH IHDWXUHV D FRXUW\DUG D large room for prospective student visits, and a conference room, among RWKHU DPHQLWLHV 7KHVH WKUHH VSDFHV DUH QDPHG D̃HU SHRSOH ZKR KDYH KDG D VLJQLƃFDQW LPSDFW RQ %HWKHO 8QLYHUVLW\ 7KURXJK JHQHURXV JL̃V their legacy will live on for generations of Pilots. 9$1 $1' -($1 *$7(6 :(/&20( &(17(5 ̎ ̏ 9DQ *DWHV ERUQ LQ +DPLOWRQ ,QG FRPSOHWHG KLV %DFKHORU RI %XVLQHVV $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ DQG 1DYDO 6FLHQFH DQG 7DFWLFV DW 1RUWKZHVWHUQ 8QLYHUVLW\ EHIRUH VHUYLQJ LQ WKH 1DY\ DV D FRPPLVVLRQHG RƅFHU IURP WR +H PDUULHG -HDQ ,QJOHƃHOG *DWHV -XQH D̃HU UHWXUQLQJ IURP VHUYLFH LQ :RUOG :DU ,, 9DQ WKHQ MRLQHG KLV IDWKHU DW *DWHV &KHYUROHW and Gates Toyota, now in its fourth generation of family leadership. Jean *DWHV ERUQ LQ &KLFDJR LQ JUDGXDWHG IURP $GDPV +LJK 6FKRRO in South Bend and attended Northwestern University on a teaching FXUULFXOXP -HDQ ZDV DFWLYH LQ WKH FRPPXQLW\ LQ )LUVW 3UHVE\WHULDQ &KXUFK WKH 37$ -XQLRU /HDJXH DQG QXPHURXV RWKHU FLYLF DQG FRPPXQLW\ organizations. She has a strong faith and is devoted to her family, her FKXUFK DQG KHU /RUG 7KH FRXSOH KDV IRXU FKLOGUHQ /DUU\ %LOO %RQQLH DQG .LWW\ JUDQGFKLOGUHQ DQG JUHDW JUDQGFKLOGUHQ DV RI Pictured: 1. Members of the Gates family at the dedication. 2. Van and Jean Gates. *,//80 &21)(5(1&( 5220 ̎ ̏ The Gillum Conference Room is named in honor of Deborah Gillum, Ph.D., who has served as professor and Dean of Nursing at Bethel University VLQFH 6KH VSHFLDOL]HV LQ PHGLFDO VXUJLFDO DQG FDUGLRYDVFXODU QXUVLQJ DFDGHPLF QXUVLQJ OHDGHUVKLS DQG LV D FHUWLƃHG QXUVH HGXFDWRU DQG DGXOW and family nurse practitioner. Ţ'U *LOOXP H[HPSOLƃHV H[SHULHQFHG &KULVWLDQ QXUVLQJ OHDGHUVKLS +HU strong beliefs in Wholistic Care, including spiritual and mental health, are taught by the strong faculty whom she guides.” – Dr. Jane Cox, who VXSSOLHG WKH OHDG JL̃ DQG QDPHG WKH VSDFH LQ *LOOXPŠV KRQRU 3LFWXUHG 'HE *LOOXP OHʻ DQG -DQH &R[ 68'/2: 7(&+12/2*< ̎ ̏ 7HUU\ 6XGORZ SLFWXUHG DW ULJKW ZLWK 'LUHFWRU RI $OXPQL DQG 'RQRU 5HODWLRQV (PLO\ 6KHUZRRG
ZLWK KHOS IURP WKH FODVV RI .5$.( &2857<$5' ̎ ̏ .UDNH &RXUW\DUG LV QDPHG IRU %HWKHOŠV ƃUVW JUDGXDWH LQ 0DUFXV .UDNH DQG KLV ZLIH 9LUJLQLD 6FKXOW] .UDNH D DOXPQD 7KHLU GHVFHQGDQWV EHFDPH %HWKHOŠV ƃUVW IRXU JHQHUDWLRQ IDPLO\ VHUYLQJ WKH institution in various capacities. Virginia’s words to the student body, in WKH 6HSW Bethel Beacon VWLOO UHDFK FRQWHPSRUDU\ VWXGHQWV Ţ$W %HWKHO WKH /RUG KHOSHG PH VHH +LV ZD\ PRUH FOHDUO\ DQG GR +LV will more fully. My earnest prayer is that through Bethel the Lord may continue to bless many young people as He has blessed me.” Pictured: Three generations of the Krake family gather around the Krake Courtyard monument at the dedication. Made Possible Through *(1(526,7<
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