Bethel University-Community Impact Report 2021

By Lissa (Grashorn) Diaz ’07 /(+0$1 )$0,/< 75$,1,1* &(17(5 OPENS FOR STUDENT USE The $4 million Lehman Family Training Center, built as part of Bethel University’s GROW campaign, opened for student use in February 2021, with a EFEJDBUJPO JO "QSJM 5IF GBDJMJUZ TJUT PO ̭WF acres of previously undeveloped land on the south end of campus (part of a 13-acre parcel purchased more than a decade ago). The center is home to #FUIFMnT OBUJPOBM DIBNQJPO USBDL BOE ̭FME UFBNT with recreational opportunities for all students. o*U BEESFTTFT B OFFE JEFOUJ̭FE JO B TUVEFOU satisfaction survey, which concluded that half of traditional students were concerned with the quality and variety of exercise spaces on campus. Funds were raised in 2019, and construction continued throughout the 2020 pandemic year,” says Vice President for Institutional Advancement Matt Lentsch, MPA, CFRE. The building is designed for athletic development, supporting 500 athletes in 30 sports, and provides resources for all students. This additional space opens up gym time previously used by track BOE ̭FME BUIMFUFT GPS FYQBOTJPO PG BUIMFUJD opportunities – like a Men’s Volleyball program, launching competition in Fall 2022. o<*U> IBT CFFO B HBNF DIBOHFS GPS VT JO UFSNT PG training and helping us further enhance the culture we have in the program,” says Head Men’s and Women’s Track Coach Danny Wilkerson. 5SBDL BOE ̭FME BSFBT JODMVEF TJY SVOOJOH MBOFT spanning 120 meters indoors (with outdoor straightaways stretching an additional 60 meters in four lanes and 120 meters in two lanes), a long jump pit, 3,150 feet of turf for indoor throwing and two dedicated pole vault areas. "EEJUJPOBM BNFOJUJFT JODMVEF B MBSHF XFJHIUMJ˨JOH and cardio area, a community room with spin bikes and other group class equipment, and common spaces for students, including a laptop bar, stairs/ CMFBDIFST oTMFBDIFSTp BOE B NF[[BOJOF XJUI TP˨ TFBUJOH 5IF GBDJMJUZ BMTP IPVTFT ̭WF P̯DFT GPS coaches and one trainer, state-of-the-art anti- gravity treadmills (allowing student athletes to run at a reduced body weight while injured), and two ice/hot baths. Additionally, specialized equipment in a rehabilitation area helps diagnose exercise and movement activities, such as running gait. Students are in awe of the new space and the amenities it provides. o<5IBOL ZPV> UP BMM EPOPST GPS CFMJFWJOH JO PVS potential and the importance of collegiate athletics in our lives,” says senior Emma Mott, a nationally ranked distance runner. “They have provided us with a place that allows for physical and relational development.” The center is named for Randy and Deb Lehman , faithful supporters of Bethel University since 1985, who volunteer resources to ensure needs are met and the vision of the university is supported. Randy has served on the Bethel University Board of Trustees since 2012, and as chair for two terms. He is also an alumnus of Bethel, and has been associated with Northwestern Mutual since 1983. Randy and Deb have been married since 1985 and reside in Fort Wayne, Ind. Deb is a Registered Nurse. Bethel University’s athletic teams boast 42 national championships (most recently in Women’s Volleyball, winter 2020). The building’s rectangular design (400 feet long and 29 feet IJHI BU JUT UBMMFTU QPJOU XBT NPEFMFE B˨FS UIF &VSPQFBO “wind tunnel,” of which few exist in the United States.