Bethel University-Community Impact Report 2021

&RPPXQLW\ ,PSDFW 5HSRUW _ By Sumer Schindler ’22 $ 6&+2/$56+,3 2) $ LIFETIME Patrick Tubaugh ’20 has a passion for baseball, but being diagnosed XJUI $FSFCSBM 1BMTZ BU B WFSZ ZPVOH BHF NBEF JU EJ̯DVMU GPS IJN UP be involved in the sport he loves. However, when he came to Bethel and was presented with the opportunity to be the team manager, Tubaugh was thrilled. Then his senior year, he was presented with a scholarship by Head Coach Seth Zartman. Ţ>7KH VFKRODUVKLS@ PHDQW WKH ZRUOG WR PH , NQRZ WKHUH DUH D ORW RI JX\V RQ RXU WHDP WKDW ZRUN KDUG Ũ >6R@ IRU FRDFK WR VD\ ş+H\ \RXŠUH ZRUWK LW EOHZ PH DZD\ (YHQ PRUH VR >LW VKRZHG@ WKDW , FDQ EH DQ H[DPSOH IRU RWKHU VWXGHQWV ZLWK GLVDELOLWLHV ţ During Tubaugh’s junior year at Bethel, he served as a resident assistant (RA) in Oakwood - Slater Hall, a responsibility he is proud of because he got the chance to tell his story to others. His experience as a freshman in Oakwood changed his life as that is where he ultimately gave his life to Christ. Many know the “pond run” is a rite of passage in Oakwood. Tubaugh was able to participate in this event with the help of his RA, who carried Tubaugh on his back for the run. This deeply moved Tubaugh, BT QSPPG PG $ISJTUnT MPWF XBT SF̮FDUFE UISPVHI IJT 3" BOE GFMMPX Oakwood freshmen. Since graduation, Tubaugh has been hired as part of the baseball UFBN DPBDIJOH TUB̬ XIFSF IF OPX TFSWFT BT %JSFDUPS PG #BTFCBMM Operations. He describes his job as similar to what he did as a manager, only now he also gets to help recruit players for the team. His hope is that one day, he will be able to start or work for an organization that allows people with disabilities an opportunity to play competitive baseball. “It's one of the things that combines my two passions; you know, being a person with a disability, I have a heart for disability advocacy and awareness. And I just love baseball, so the ideal career and goal is to merge those two things together and that way I can make the biggest impact on the communities that I care about,” Tubaugh says. o* KVTU XBOU UP TBZ UIBOL ZPV UP UIF TUB̬ UIBU QPVSFE JOUP NF NZ RAs, my professors, even the food service workers. There are a lot of people here who have made my time special, like my coaches. I wouldn’t be where I am without the guidance of those people and <UP CF CBDL PO TUB̬> JU JT KVTU B CMFTTJOH GPS TVSF p