Bethel University-Community Impact Report 2021

&RPPXQLW\ ,PSDFW 5HSRUW _ &2//(*(6 2) ',67,1&7,21 Bethel University was named a 2020 College of Distinction. This KRQRU LV JLYHQ WR FROOHJHV DQG XQLYHUVLWLHV WKDW H[FHO LQ WKH )RXU 'LVWLQFWLRQV HQJDJHG VWXGHQWV JUHDW WHDFKLQJ YLEUDQW FRPPXQLWLHV and successful outcomes. 021(< 0$*$=,1( Bethel was recognized by Money Magazine as a “Best College for Your Money 2020.” Money weighed more than 20,000 data points, LQFOXGLQJ WXLWLRQ IDPLO\ ERUURZLQJ DQG FDUHHU HDUQLQJV WR ƃQG WKH VFKRROV WKDW VXFFHVVIXOO\ FRPELQH TXDOLW\ DQG DƂRUGDELOLW\ %HWKHO LV number 12 of the Indiana colleges and universities who appeared on this year’s list. :$6+,1*721 0217+/< )RU WKH ƃ̃K \HDU LQ D URZ :DVKLQJWRQ 0RQWKO\ KDV UDQNHG %HWKHO University on its annual list of the “Best Bang for the Buck Colleges – Midwest.” Bethel is also one of two Indiana schools to appear in the top 100 in the nation on the guide’s “Top Master’s Universities” list. The Washington Monthly guide rates colleges and universities on their contributions to social mobility, research and public service. 8 6 1(:6 )RU WKH WK FRQVHFXWLYH \HDU %HWKHO ZDV UHFRJQL]HG DV D 7RS 7LHU university on the annual U.S. News Best Colleges ranking, earning the 33rd spot among the Midwest’s Best Regional Universities. U.S. 1HZV DOVR UDQNHG %HWKHO 1R RQ WKH OLVW RI Ţ7RS 3HUIRUPHUV RQ Social Mobility – Regional Universities Midwest.” 67$7( 1$7,21$/ ,03$&7 ECONOMIC IMPACT ON INDIANA IXOO WLPH employees HQUROOHG students HVW $OXPQL in Indiana Bethel University's alumni directly purchase $374 million in goods and services for a total impact of $648 million and 3,548 jobs created.* *From Independent Colleges of Indiana (ICI) Economic Impact Report, 2019. NATIONAL RECOGNITION $&&25',1* 72 ,&, +,*+(5 ('8&$7,21 ,03$&76 7+( /2&$/ $1' 67$7( (&2120< ,1 )285 :$<6 • Direct purchase of goods and services and indirect/induced impact of those transactions; • Development of a workforce that provides the region with a comparative advantage to attract other industry; ŧ +LJKHU LQFRPHV RI JUDGXDWHV ZKR KDYH LQFUHDVHG SXUFKDVLQJ SRZHU D̃HU JUDGXDWLRQ DQG ŧ $Q LQWHUJHQHUDWLRQDO HTXLW\ WKDW FRQWLQXHV WKH F\FOH RI KLJKHU LQFRPHV IRU WKH FKLOGUHQ DQG IDPLOLHV RI FROOHJH JUDGXDWHV