Emily Penaflorida ’22, originally from the Philippines, graduated from Career Academy in South Bend, Ind., and is the 2018 recipient of the Bethel College Rising Entrepreneur Scholarship. This 75 percent tuition scholarship, in partnership with Startup Moxie, has made Bethel a reality for Penaflorida, and is made possible by the generosity of Bethel supporters.
Pursuing Excellence for Pilot Athletics
Current Athletic Director Tom Visker and new Athletic Director (and current head track and field coach) Tony Natali discuss what it takes to pursue excellence for Bethel’s athletic program.
- April 8, 2019
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Researching Renewable Energy
Alumnus Ian Lightcap ’03 is helping researchers make new discoveries as the Research and Facilities Program Director at the Center for Sustainable Energy (ND Energy) at Notre Dame.
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Becoming Bethel University
Board Chairman Randy Lehman ’82 shares about Bethel’s historic decision to change its name to Bethel University.
A Broadened Worldview
Every year, Bethel’s Semester Abroad and Task Force programs offer students the opportunity to see the world in new ways through experiential learning around the globe. It’s part of Bethel’s mission to “prepare students for leadership in the church and the world.” This past May, three short-term trips, each to a different continent, allowed students to earn course credit while immersing themselves in a new culture. Students traveled to France, Israel and Costa Rica on learning and service-oriented trips that provided a rich cultural experience and a broadened worldview.
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A Broadened Worldview: France
Director of Career Development Matthew Stackowicz and Associate Professor of Communication Elizabeth McLaughlin, Ph.D., led a group of students, one alumna and a professional photographer, on a trip to the town of St. Hippolyte-du-Fort, France. There, they partnered with YWAM Bridges of Life and Action Tourism to tell the story of the town and the ministry in a brand new way. Using photography, videography, writing, social media, communications and marketing, the Bethel group met with local business owners to interview them and create a marketing package each business could use.
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A Broadened Worldview: Israel
As Bethel’s largest international trip to date, 48 people – including students, faculty, staff, alumni, donors and friends of the college – traveled to Israel to learn about the Bible in the places Scripture happened. Each day of the 12-day journey involved bus rides, hikes and lessons at key Biblical locations, including the Dead Sea, Jordan River, Sea of Galilee, Mount of Beatitudes, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Mount of Olives and Gethsemane, just to name a few.
- October 5, 2018
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Training Pastors in Tanzania
Associate Professor of Mission Kent Eby ’94, Ph.D., traveled to Tanzania, Africa, to minister alongside pastors of the Maasai Tribe this summer.
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Giving Back: The Kelly Cares Foundation
Paqui and Brian Kelly are passionate about supporting educational, heath care and community initiatives through the Kelly Cares Foundation. That’s why they chose to support the renovation of Bethel’s largest lecture hall on campus, which will primarily be used as a classroom for nursing and science lectures.
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Bethel’s First Endowed Professor
As the Missionary Church Endowed Professor of Biblical Theology, David McCabe, Ph.D., holds Bethel’s first-ever endowed professorship, where an external entity perpetually supports a faculty member.
- October 5, 2018
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