Bethel Magazine Fall 2019

Pilot Preview Days (Admission) Go2BU (Admission) Building 429 Concert Pilot Preview Day (Admission) Track & Field Reunion Fall Choral Concert Guest Artist Exhibition Reception Sense & Sensibility (Theatre) Fall Jazz Ensemble & Wind Ensemble Concert Fall Percussion Ensemble & Chamber Orchestra Concert Thanksgiving break 72nd Annual Christmas Concert Semester ends Pilot Preview Day (Admission) GO Conference 24 Hours of Theatre Production 13th Annual Juried Student Art ExhibitionReception Pilot Preview Day (Admission) Jazz Tour For a complete list of upcoming events, visit and CALENDAR 2) (9(176 OCTOBER 16, 18 24-26 25 26 26 NOVEMBER 3 8 14-16 21 22 27-29 DECEMBER 6-7 13 JANUARY 20 20, 22, 24 FEBRUARY 8 14 14 14,15 MARCH 2-6 7 7 13 13 26-28 APRIL 2 3 3 3 9-12 17 24 25 25 30 MAY 2 2 Spring Break Genesians: Click, Clack, Moo (Theatre) Genesians: Bridge of Blood (Theatre) Admitted Student Day (Admission) Jazz Coffeehouse The Wizard of Oz (Theatre) Spring Jazz Ensemble & Wind Ensemble Concert Spring Percussion Ensemble & Chamber Orchestra Concert Pilot Preview Day (Admission) Senior Thesis Art Exhibition begins Easter Break Spring Choral Concert Voices of Triumph in Concert 3rd Annual Give Back Gala Earl Awards Semester Ends (Theatre) Commencement 1970 Class Reunion Explore Bethel On Campus or Online! Visit campus and discover why Bethel might be the ULJKW ̯W IRU \RXU VWXGHQW 6HOHFW IURP DQ LQGLYLGXDO RU large group visit. • Connect with a professor • Experience chapel • Sit in on a class • Tour campus Can’t make it to campus? You can visit online through our new virtual tour. You’ll be amazed at the GHJUHH YLHZ WKLV YLUWXDO ZDONLQJ WRXU SURYLGHV