Bethel University Magazine Fall 2020

CONNECTION POINTS REFER A STUDENT Chances are you know a student ZKR ZRXOG EHQHƃW IURP WKH Christ-centered education Bethel University provides. Refer them to our Admission team at CLASS OF 2020 CELEBRATION BOXES Our 2020 graduates had an unpredictable and unfortunate end to their academic career. %XW WKH\ VWLOO GHVHUYHG WR EH FHOHEUDWHG ,Q 0D\ ZH FRPSLOHG &HOHEUDWLRQ %R[HV ƃOOHG ZLWK their diploma, cap and gown, a BU face mask (handmade by alumna Karen Hosinski ’81), a webcam cover, alumni T-shirt, sticker, balloons, streamers and noisemakers. We included everything needed to celebrate the completion of their degree! Half of the class was able to drive-thru and pick up their celebration box and some Ritter’s Frozen Custard (owned by alumnus Bob Jaques ’00). The rest received them in the mail that week. An alternate celebration is being planned for the Class of 2020, but we were thankful to be able to celebrate with them in this way! BETHEL NIGHT AT CAMPS Three out of four districts held church camp with restrictions.We were grateful to be with WKHP IRU RXWGRRU VHUYLFHV DQG DFWLYLWLHV WKLV VXPPHU 2XU VWDƂ YLVLWHG 0DQFHORQD /XGORZ and Brown City camps and enjoyed fellowship, giveaways, golf outings and pre-packaged VQDFNV :H ZHUH JODG WR IHHO D OLWWOH PRUH QRUPDO D̃HU VHYHUDO PRQWKV RI VKHOWHULQJ LQ SODFH And it is always good to see our alumni! $ȅȄQHȄRED FOȅL M Judy (McBrier) Witmer (attended ’65-’66) , age 73, of Wakarusa, Ind., passed DZD\ $XJ D̃HU D long battle with Alzheimer’s. She was born April 8, 1947. Surviving are her husband, Richard “Rich”'69; son, Ryan; daughter, Renee '96 (Dan) Bridges; granddaughters, a brother and a sister. Judy attended Bethel University from 1965-66 and graduated from Goshen College in 1969 with a nursing degree. She was employed as a registered nurse at Elkhart General Hospital and Veterans Memorial Hospital inWaukon, Iowa. She served 33 years withWorld Partners as a missionary in Brazil and Bulgaria. Judy was a member of Wakarusa Missionary Church. Dennis “Joe”Woods ’77 , age 65, of Greenwood, Ind., passed away March 15, 2020. He was born Jan. 9, 1955. Joe was a graduate of Wyanet High School and received his B.A. in history from Bethel University in 1977. He married Sandra Adamek '79 in 1978 and had two children, Stephen '07 and Stephanie '09. Joe worked as an auto insurance adjuster at Farmers Insurance for 24 years. He was a member of the Gideons and the Nazarene Church. Joe is survived by his wife; children; sisters, and nieces. IN MEMORY, cont. 27 )$//