Bethel University Magazine Fall 2021

Arnold and Vivian Sallie agree that if you are going to be part of a community, you should do whatever you can to make it a better place. For them, that has meant involvement in programs that help to build community and impact diversity development in South Bend/Mishawaka. They also see an opportunity to change the ZRUOG WKURXJK VXSSRUWLQJ WKH %LOO\ .LUN /HDGHUVKLS $ZDUG DW %HWKHO University. Students who meet the requirements to receive this ƃQDQFLDO VXSSRUW DUH QRW RQO\ IURP WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV EXW DURXQG the world. Originally from Illinois, the Sallies came to Indiana in 1991, ZKHQ $UQROG ZDV WUDQVIHUUHG IRU KLV MRE ZLWK ;HUR[ &RUSRUDWLRQ LQ /RXLVYLOOH .\ 9LYLDQ ZKR KDG ZRUNHG IRU +XPDQD ,QF IRU several years, took the opportunity to start a business, Sallie and Associates, LLC. Their many years of work and volunteering, ZKLOH UDLVLQJ ƃYH FKLOGUHQ PDGH WKHP DZDUH RI WKH QHHGV RI WKH underserved in their community. Their Bethel connection began when Vivian was invited to campus E\ IRUPHU %HWKHO 3UHVLGHQW 1RUPDQ %ULGJHV 3K ' ZKRP VKH VHUYHG ZLWK RQ WKH 6W -RVHSK &RXQW\ &KDPEHU RI &RPPHUFH Board. Around the same time, Vivian and Arnold worked with Dennis Engbrecht, Ph.D., former Bethel professor and senior vice president, on community endeavors for racial harmony and unity. 7KHQ LQ WKH PLG V (QJEUHFKW 5HY %LOO\ .LUN RI *UHDWHU 6W -RKQ 0LVVLRQDU\ %DSWLVW &KXUFK ZKHUH WKH 6DOOLHV DWWHQG DQG RWKHUV OHG D JURXS FDOOHG &85( &RPPXQLW\ 5HOLJLRXV (ƂRUW WKDW SURWHVWHG D PDUFK E\ DUHD .X .OX[ .ODQ PHPEHUV LQ 6RXWK %HQG $̃HU 5HY .LUN SDVVHG DZD\ %HWKHO FUHDWHG D VFKRODUVKLS LQ KLV QDPH ,W ZDV ƃUVW DZDUGHG LQ WKH VFKRRO \HDU DQG KDV EHHQ DZDUGHG WLPHV VLQFH $UQROG DQG 9LYLDQ FRQWLQXH to support Bethel and the scholarship that honors their pastor. “For Bethel to acknowledge that relationship…via a scholarship, and also put some money behind it, just spoke volumes to us,” Arnold says. He is also honored to serve as a Board of Trustees member since 7KH YDOXH KH VHHV %HWKHO RƂHULQJ WKH ORFDO FRPPXQLW\ LV evident through its mission. “The faith values of Bethel align more closely with my belief system and that resonates very well with me. I’m not saying that it’s practices are perfect, because if they were perfect then I would QRW EH DEOH WR ƃW LQ ţ KH VD\V 9LYLDQ VHUYHV RQ VHYHUDO FRPPXQLW\ ERDUGV DQG DVVLVWV QRQ SURƃW RUJDQL]DWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ %HWKHOŠV ,QVWLWXWLRQDO $GYDQFHPHQW RƅFH several years ago. She is pleased to watch Bethel grow from the quiet little college tucked away in Mishawaka, to a dynamic university that attracts students from around the world. She says, “We are inspired by students who share their amazing VWRULHV RI WKH VDFUL̯FHV WKH\ KDYH PDGH DQG WKHLU H[WUDRUGLQDU\ ḪRUWV WR JHW D %HWKHO HGXFDWLRQ ó She adds, “I think that it’s important to give to something that’s relevant to you and your interests. You don’t need a very large EDQN DFFRXQW WR PDNH D GLƂHUHQFH $W %HWKHO \RX DUH PDGH WR IHHO WKDW ZKDWHYHU JL̃ \RX JLYH PDWWHUV $UQROG DQG , DUH MXVW RQH H[DPSOH RI ZKDW KDSSHQV ZKHQ DQ RUJDQL]DWLRQ WDNHV WKH WLPH WR build a relationship and practice good stewardship.” IMPACTING YOUR COMMUNITY BY SUSAN E. MILLER (l-r) Tim Brown, speaker and Heisman Trophy winner, Vivian and Arnold Sallie at Bethel’s 2021 Give Back Gala. GI V ING BACK 13 Join the Sallies in giving back at .