Bethel University Magazine Fall 2021

The Bethel Magazine is published two times each year for alumni and friends of the university. Please send correspondence and address changes to the editor. BETHEL MAGAZINE 1001 Bethel Circle Mishawaka, IN 46545 Email: Phone: 574.807.7384 Website: Founded in 1947 by the Missionary Church, Bethel University is an accredited Christian university offering associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees in more than 50 areas of study. At Bethel you will find a community of nearly 1,340 learners. Our mission is to challenge the mind, enlarge the vision and equip students for lifelong service. To learn more, visit . PRESIDENT Barbara Bellefeuille, Ed.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC SERVICES Bradley Smith, Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT OF ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT Terry Elam, Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE AND CFO Jerry White, CPA VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Brent LaVigne, Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Shawn Holtgren ’95, Ph.D. EDITOR Lissa (Grashorn) Diaz ’07 ASSISTANT COPY EDITORS Karis Kindinger Susan Miller CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Andrew Bowen ’09 Lissa (Grashorn) Diaz ’07 Ken Fox Karis Kindinger Susan Miller Sadie Seward '23 ART DIRECTOR Chantel Miller PHOTOGRAPHERS Chantel Miller Peter Ringenberg ’03 Emily (Rodgers) Sherwood ’99 COVER PHOTO Peter Ringenberg ’03 A PUBL I CAT I ON OF BETHEL UN I VERS I TY, I ND. VOLUME 32 , I SSUE 1 A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT 2 %(7+(/81,9(56,7< ('8̌0$*$=,1( Greetings Friends of Bethel, I am humbled by the opportunity to serve Christ as Bethel’s interim President. You should know I am deeply committed to keeping our mission strong. This magazine has the theme – “Steady at the Helm,” which relates to our motto: “Christ at the Helm.” During times of leadership FKDQJH LQVWLWXWLRQDO ŢVKLSVţ FDQ EH YXOQHUDEOH WR VKL̃LQJ ZLQGV RI WKRXJKW RU RWKHU QHJDWLYH LQƄXHQFHV %XW ZKHQ &KULVW LV LQ FRQWURO WKH LQVWLWXWLRQ KROGV VWHDG\ DQG VWURQJ EHFDXVH &KULVW LV unchanging. I vow to keep Christ at the helm under my leadership. $V %HWKHOŠV WRS OHDGHU LW ZDV P\ KRQRU WR VSHDN WR VWXGHQWV IDFXOW\ DQG VWDƂ GXULQJ WKH ƃUVW chapel of the year, setting the stage for the year’s focus. In preparation, I began to think about how our culture is incredibly focused on being self-indulgent. Perhaps this comes from being D ŢƃUVW ZRUOG FRXQWU\ ţ H[DFHUEDWHG E\ PRQWKV RI SDQGHPLF UHODWHG RUGHUV 1HYHUWKHOHVV it seems even before COVID-19, we were constantly encouraged to be self-centered and VHOI LQGXOJHQW $W WKH VDPH WLPH WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV LV VDGO\ D VRFLHW\ ZLWK PXFK DQ[LHW\ DQG discontent. Could these realities be connected? ,Q WKH RSHQLQJ FKDSHO , VKDUHG WKLV SKUDVH D̃HU VWXG\LQJ DQG UHDGLQJ IURP VHYHUDO VRXUFHV WKLV summer: consistent self-indulgence produces self-imposed anxiety . Scripture clearly tells us we were created for HIS pleasure and for the purpose of doing good works (Rev 4:11, Eph. 2:10, I Thess. 2:4) – not to be consistently self-indulgent. To live contrary to our created purpose brings DQ[LHW\ DQG IUXVWUDWLRQ ZKLOH OLYLQJ LQ DOLJQPHQW ZLWK LW EULQJV PXFK VDWLVIDFWLRQ So, what if Bethel’s uniqueness came from an awe-inspiring atmosphere of students who are &KULVW IRFXVHG DQG ZKR FRPPLW VHOƄHVV DFWV RI JRRG ZRUNV" 7R QRW EH NQRZQ DV WKH ELJJHVW institution or the only Christ-centered institution, but the one known for students who focus on pleasing God above themselves. THIS was my challenge to the campus – to set aside this love DƂDLU ZH KDYH ZLWK VHOI FHQWHUHGQHVV DQG ƃQG VDWLVIDFWLRQ LQ OLYLQJ WKH ZD\ ZH ZHUH FUHDWHG WR OLYH :H VROLGLƃHG WKLV FRPPLWPHQW ZLWK RXU YHUVH IRU WKH \HDU -RKQ ŝ He must increase, but I must decrease . Imagine a campus prompted by this truth. Our creative team came up with a symbol to remind students of this commitment. Each student received a zipper pull with this logo to remind them of our focus for this year. Please pray with me that students will daily FRPPLW WR OLYLQJ LQ D ZD\ WKDW PDJQLƃHV &KULVW RYHU VHOI 6DWXUDWLQJ WKLV FDPSXV ZLWK D -RKQ IRFXV ZLOO FUHDWH D XQLTXH DWPRVSKHUH SDOSDEOH WR all. May it be so. Barb Bellefeuille, Ed.D. Interim President