Bethel University Magazine Fall 2021

CALENDAR 2) (9(176 Fall Choral Concert 4BN 3PUNBO +VMMJBSE $PODFSU 1JBOJTU performs Pilot Preview Day 3BZNPOE 8FBWFS (MBTT $PMMFDUJPO &YIJCJU opens Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery (Theatre) Fall Percussion Ensemble & Chamber Orchestra Concert Pilot Preview Day "SU "MVNOJ (SPVQ &YIJCJU PQFOT 'BMM +B[[ &OTFNCMF 8JOE &OTFNCMF Concert Thanksgiving Break Pilot Preview Day 73rd Annual Christmas Concert: 3FQFBU UIF 4PVOEJOH +PZ̻ Semester ends Winter Term For a complete list of upcoming events, visit OCTOBER 22 25 29 NOVEMBER 12 13 16 DECEMBER 3 9 +BO JANUARY 13 17 17 27 FEBRUARY 1 11 11-12 MARCH 7-11 11 25-26, 31 26 Traditional classes begin .BSUJO -VUIFS ,JOH +S %BZ no classes 1-6 p.m. Pilot Preview Day GO Conference 3BZNPOE 8FBWFS (MBTT $PMMFDUJPO &YIJCJU Closes "SU "MVNOJ (SPVQ &YIJCJU DMPTFT Pilot Show Opens (Art) "SPVOE UIF 8PSME JO %BZT BSU TIPX opens "SPVOE UIF 8PSME JO %BZT 5IFBUSF Pilot Preview Day 15 Hours of Music Spring Break "SPVOE UIF 8PSME JO %BZT BSU TIPX closes Deeper Life Series +B[[ $PGGFFIPVTF UI 5IFBUSF "OOJWFSTBSZ BSUXPSL FYIJCJU opens .VTJDBM %JTOFZnT #FBVUZ BOE UIF #FBTU (Theatre) Pilot Preview Day Explore Bethel's Beautiful Campus! Visit campus and discover why Bethel might be the ULJKW ̯W IRU \RXU VWXGHQW 6HOHFW IURP DQ LQGLYLGXDO or large group visit. We can’t wait to welcome you! • Connect with a professor • Experience chapel • Sit in on a class • Tour campus Plan your visit today at 27