Spring 2020 Bethel University Magazine

The Bethel Magazine is published two times each year for alumni and friends of the university.Please send correspondence and address changes to the editor. BETHEL MAGAZINE 1001 Bethel Circle Mishawaka, IN 46545 Email: Lissa.Diaz@BethelUniversity.edu Phone: 574.807.7384 Website: BethelUniversity.edu/Magazine Founded in 1947 by the Missionary Church, Bethel University is an accredited Christian university offering associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees in more than 50 areas of study.At Bethel you will find a community of nearly 1,500 learners. Our mission is to challenge the mind, enlarge the vision and equip students for lifeong service.To learn more,visit BethelUniversity.edu . PRESIDENT Gregg A. Chenoweth, Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC SERVICES Barbara Bellefeuille, Ed.D. VICE PRESIDENT OF ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT Terry Elam, Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE AND CFO Jerry White, CPA VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Matt Lentsch, MPA, CFRE VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Shawn Holtgren ’95, Ph.D. EDITOR Lissa (Grashorn) Diaz ’07 ASSISTANT COPY EDITORS Erin Kinzel Susan Miller CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Rick Becker ’04 Lissa (Grashorn) Diaz ’07 Erin Kinzel Emily Oliver ’20 ART DIRECTOR Chantel Shetler PHOTOGRAPHERS Grant Beachy Meagan Gilbert Joshua Kuehn '06 Chantel Shetler Peter Ringenberg ’03 Emily (Rodgers) Sherwood ’99 COVER PHOTO Chantel Shetler A PUBL I CAT I ON OF BETHEL UN I VERS I TY, I ND. VOLUME 30 , I SSUE 2 A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT 2 %(7+(/81,9(56,7< ('8̌0$*$=,1( Friends of Bethel, Greetings in the name of our God who is sovereign over COVID-19! Psalm 91 is especially powerful now, thought by many scholars to be written by Moses, who was a direct witness to plagues —the "invisible enemy"— ruled by God with Pharaoh. He says to us: Believers, God is my refuge and fortress, who rescues me from deadly pestilence. “‘Because he loves me,’ says the Lord, ‘I will rescue him. I will protect him because he acknowledges my Name.'" (Psalm 91:5, 6 and 14) In these unsettled times, I have a good report for the near term. Our logistics-oriented Emergency Management Team and policy- RULHQWHG &DELQHW DUH KLJK IXQFWLRQLQJ XQLƃHG DQG NHHSLQJ D OLJKW spirit. Our faculty were quick and creative in pivoting to fully online LQVWUXFWLRQ 6WDƂ SUHVV RQ ZLWK LQYHQWLYH PHWKRGV FRQGXFWLQJ YLUWXDO WXWRULQJ %LEOH VWXGLHV DQG ZHOOQHVV FRXQVHOLQJ IRU DQ[LRXV VWXGHQWV DQG RƂHULQJ YLUWXDO FDPSXV WRXUV IRU SURVSHFWLYH VWXGHQWV (BethelUniversity.edu/Visit). Students are resilient, but challenged. Now, more than ever, the question is not,"Do you love your school?" but "Does your school love you?" We’re showing it in many ways: a $300,000 COVID-19 Benevolence Fund to assist undergraduate and graduate students taking on-ground programs , providing housing and food support funds for VWXGHQWV LQ WUDQVLWLRQ ZDLYLQJ ORZ UDQJH ƃQDQFLDO KROGV VR VWXGHQWV FDQ UHJLVWHU IRU FRXUVHV UHGXFLQJ Summer School rates while increasing summer online courses to 55, and among other things, providing hospitality funds to commuters when they return in fall. ,Q WKH ORQJHU WHUP WKHUH DUH OLNHO\ YHU\ ODUJH ƃQDQFLDO LPSDFWV KHUH LQ WKH PLOOLRQV 2XU %RDUG )LQDQFH Committee members are great thought partners with me and our senior leadership team in mapping scenarios and options.We have good standing with banks, hold a bit more unrestricted cash than one year ago, and appear to be able to access some aspects of the Federal Stimulus Package. But we need you, our Friends of Bethel, to stand with us through generous Annual Fund contributions, ZKLFK DUH DSSOLHG WRZDUG JUHDWHVW QHHG <RXU JL̃ WR %HWKHO GXULQJ WKLV &29,' FULVLV KHOSV SURGXFH an army of young people who will spread all over America and 60 nations with Godward intentions in HYHU\ LPDJLQDEOH SURIHVVLRQ <RXU JL̃ SXWV VSDFHV HTXLSPHQW DQG VFKRODUVKLSV LQ WKH KDQGV RI WKLV mission. Thank you for considering partnership at BethelUniversity.edu/Give. $V ZH HQGXUH , VHH SDUDGR[ 7KH UHPHG\ IRU &29,' LV LVRODWLRQ %XW LWV UHODWLRQDO HƂHFW LV D WLJKWHU community . You’ll see the reality of our purpose in this issue of Bethel Magazine, which shows impact from Syria to Tajikistan to the Kennedy Center and Med School. As you read the stories and participate in Bethel life, we are bound together again in an age of distancing. May the God of Psalm 91 reign sovereign over you as He does over us! Gregg A. Chenoweth, Ph.D. President :DWFK WKH PLQXWH ̯QDO &KDSHO PHVVDJH “Hope for Anxiety, Perspective for Confusion During COVID," right now.