Bethel University Magazine Spring 2021

The Bethel Magazine is published two times each year for alumni and friends of the university. Please send correspondence and address changes to the editor. BETHEL MAGAZINE 1001 Bethel Circle Mishawaka, IN 46545 Email: Phone: 574.807.7384 Website: Founded in 1947 by the Missionary Church, Bethel University is an accredited Christian university offering associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees in more than 50 areas of study. At Bethel you will find a community of nearly 1,350 learners. Our mission is to challenge the mind, enlarge the vision and equip students for lifeong service. To learn more, visit . PRESIDENT Gregg A. Chenoweth, Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC SERVICES Barbara Bellefeuille, Ed.D. VICE PRESIDENT OF ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT Terry Elam, Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE AND CFO Jerry White, CPA VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Matt Lentsch, MPA, CFRE VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Shawn Holtgren ’95, Ph.D. EDITOR Lissa (Grashorn) Diaz ’07 ASSISTANT COPY EDITORS Karis Kindinger Susan Miller CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Andrew Bowen ’09 Lissa (Grashorn) Diaz ’07 Emily Oliver ’20 Karis Kindinger Susan Miller Sumer Schindler ’22 ART DIRECTOR Chantel Miller PHOTOGRAPHERS Andrew Bowen ’09 Chantel Miller Karis Kindinger Peter Ringenberg ’03 COVER PHOTO Peter Ringenberg ’03 A PUBL I CAT I ON OF BETHEL UN I VERS I TY, I ND. VOLUME 31 , I SSUE 2 A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT 2 Greetings Friends of Bethel, For eight years, Tammy and I strove for Bethel, in harmonious unity with the Board and executive team. On June 1, I assume a new responsibility, in service to my alma mater, Olivet Nazarene University. Bethel community, thank you for allowing me to be your president. It’s been such an honor! 5HFHQWO\ , RSHQHG WKH )DOO PDJD]LQH WKH ƃUVW OHWWHU , ZURWH WR \RX DQG VWDUHG LQWR WKH H\HV RI a younger me. That guy sort-of knew, but did not completely understand, just how consuming it is to occupy this singular role for a community. 2Q RQH KDQG , IHOW WKH FUXVKLQJ ZHLJKW DQG LQVSLULQJ OL̃ RI RWKHUVŠ KRSHV WR DGYDQFH WKH LQVWLWXWLRQŠV ƃQDQFHV IDFLOLWLHV SURJUDPV VWDWXUH DQG PRUH Ţ, KRSH \RX IDLO ţ VDLG RQH SURIHVVRU LQ P\ ƃUVW PRQWK +XK" +H H[SODLQHG Ţ:H QHHG \RXU DPELWLRQV IRU %HWKHO WR EH VR JUDQG WKDW PD\EH ZH FDQŠW HYHQ DFKLHYH DOO RI WKHP ţ 8QGHUVWRRG ,Q D GLƂHUHQW ZD\ WKDW JX\ LQ WKH PDJD]LQH OHDUQHG KLV VXFFHVV LV QRW SURMHFW SURJUHVV EXW WRSLFDO LPPRELOLW\ %HWKHO LV D PRUDO FRPPXQLW\ D IUDJLOH WKLQJ +XQGUHGV RI WKRXVDQGV RI SHRSOH ŝ DOXPQL VWXGHQWV ZRUNHUV GRQRUV FKXUFKHV RXU FLW\ RXU 0RYHPHQW ŝ DƅOLDWH ZLWK KHU XQGHU covenant not contract, where tacit expectations emerge, pressuring a balance between conquest DQG FRQVHUYDWLYLVP 7KLV LV ZK\ , R̃HQ DVN DOXPQL Ţ:KDW GR \RX KRSH QHYHU FKDQJHV DW %HWKHO"ţ The reason we get lobbied toward fads and foundations is because those advocates value our LQƄXHQFH LI LW FDQ EH OHYHUDJHG WRZDUG D FDXVH 7R KROG D FRPPXQLW\ WRJHWKHU XQGHU PRUDO WHUPV GXULQJ FRQƄLFWLQJ DGYRFDF\ PDNHV WKLV MRE PRUH ŢSULPH PLQLVWHUţ WKDQ ŢNLQJţ RQH JXLGHV WKH ZLOOLQJ WKH RWKHU UHLJQV VHOI DEVRUEHG 7KLV SODFH LV QRW PLQH EXW RXUV QRW RXUV EXW *RGŠV ,Q WKH FRPLQJ PRQWKV %HWKHO EHFRPHV OHVV PLQH DQG PRUH \RXUV VR WDNH FRQƃGHQFH LQ DQG participate with, her future! Bethel is still focused on populating every profession with faith- integrated graduates. Talented employees still seek her, as do thoughtful students, focused donors, GLVFHUQLQJ %HOLHYHUV DQG UHƄHFWLYH DOXPQL ,Q IDFW , UHFHQWO\ PHW ZLWK D FRXSOH ZKRVH DOXPQDH daughters so loved Bethel that the family now endows a generous scholarship so future students can experience the same. From Tammy and me, thank you! The hours we labored, the money we shared, the prayers we groaned, the relationships we nurtured, the miles we traveled – all worth it. God, it’s for you. Gregg A. Chenoweth, Ph.D. President Available in Summer 2021, Gregg Chenoweth’s book Everyday Discernment: Cultivating the Art of Spirt-Led Leadership. Learn more at . Read more about it o n p. 11.