Bethel University Magazine Spring 2021

KEEPING CHRIST AT THE HELM OF ONLINE EDUCATION Dale Dan, Ed.D., director of online education, is focused on ensuring the vision, mission, values and quality of Bethel’s traditional programs are mirrored well online. 09 ADVOCATING FOR PUBLIC HEALTH IN A PANDEMIC :H UHƄHFW RQ WKH VHUYLFH RI Bethel’s seventh president, Gregg A. Chenoweth, Ph.D., DQG ƃUVW ODG\ 7DPP\ (2013-2021). &DVV\ :KLWH Š GLUHFWRU RI health equity, epidemiology and data at the St. Joseph &RXQW\ 'HSDUWPHQW RI +HDOWK in South Bend, Ind., plays an LPSRUWDQW UROH LQ WKH ƃJKW against COVID-19. 14 22 F ACU L T Y & S T A F F NEWS 10 CAMPU S NEWS 07 THE AR T S 12 S POR T S 17 COVER: The Lehman Family Training Center is home to Bethel’s national FKDPSLRQ WUDFN DQG ƃHOG WHDPV DQG RƂHUV UHFUHDWLRQDO RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU all students. Read more o n p. 4. 14 9 22 G I V I NG B ACK 13 CELEBRATING BETHEL UNIVERSITY’S PRESIDENT A L UMN I 20 3 SPRING 2021