Bethel University Magazine Spring 2021

$XGLEOH JDVSV WHDUV RI MR\ DQG H[FLWHG FKDWWHU ƃOOHG WKH HQWU\ZD\ DV VHD RI VWXGHQWV ŝ DERXW VWURQJ ŝ ƃOHG LQWR WKH PLOOLRQ Lehman Family Training Center in early February. These members of %HWKHO 8QLYHUVLW\ŠV 0HQŠV DQG :RPHQŠV 7UDFN DQG )LHOG WHDPV ZHUH WKH ƃUVW WR VHH WKH QHZ IRRW ORQJ VSDFH WKH\ QRZ FDOO KRPH Despite a lack of facilities, BU’s Track and Field teams have, in recent years, managed to dominate competition with more National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA) team championships than any other BU sport (13 combined, men’s and women’s). They’ve also had numerous individual national champions, including senior sport studies major Thomas Jackson, who won the 2021 National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Indoor National Championship in Long Jump. Ţ:KHQ WKLV IDFLOLW\ ZDV ƃQDOO\ ready and we got the ‘welcome home’ text, [it] brought tears to P\ H\HV ţ VD\V -DFNVRQ Ţ1RW MXVW me, but my current teammates DQG IXWXUH WHDPPDWHV FDQ ƃQDOO\ feel the joy and excitement of KDYLQJ RXU RZQ VSDFH ţ This place has been a dream of +HDG 0HQŠV DQG :RPHQŠV 7UDFN DQG )LHOG &RDFK 'DQQ\ :LONHUVRQ IRU PRUH WKDQ D GHFDGH +H DORQJ ZLWK $WKOHWLF 'LUHFWRU DQG longtime Track and Field Coach) Tony Natali, led the charge in getting Track and Field alumni involved in funding the facility. Ţ>7KLV@ KDV EHHQ D JDPH FKDQJHU IRU XV LQ WHUPV RI WUDLQLQJ DQG KHOSLQJ XV IXUWKHU HQKDQFH WKH FXOWXUH ZH KDYH LQ WKH SURJUDP ţ :LONHUVRQ VD\V Ţ$V ZH DOZD\V VD\ JORULI\ *RG LQ \RXU DFWLRQV DQG WKH UHVW ZLOO WDNH FDUH RI LWVHOI ţ %XLOW DV SDUW RI %HWKHO 8QLYHUVLW\ŠV *52: FDPSDLJQ WKH FHQWHU opened for student use in February, with open houses for VWXGHQWV IDFXOW\ VWDƂ DQG DOXPQL DQG D GHGLFDWLRQ $SULO 7KH IDFLOLW\ H[SDQGV WKH VRXWKHDVW VLGH RI FDPSXV DQG VLWV RQ ƃYH acres of previously undeveloped land (part of a 13-acre parcel purchased more than a decade ago). In addition to being home to %HWKHOŠV QDWLRQDO FKDPSLRQ 7UDFN DQG )LHOG WHDPV WKH VSDFH RƂHUV recreational opportunities for all students. Ţ,W DGGUHVVHV D QHHG LGHQWLƃHG LQ D VWXGHQW VDWLVIDFWLRQ survey, which concluded that half of traditional students were concerned with the quality and variety of exercise spaces on campus. Funds were raised in 2019, and construction continued WKURXJKRXW WKH SDQGHPLF \HDU ţ VD\V 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW IRU Institutional Advancement Matt Lentsch, CFRE. The building will be used for athletic development, supporting nearly 500 athletes in 30 sports and will provide resources for all students on campus. Its construction also opens up gym time previously used by Track and Field athletes, for expansion of athletic opportunities – like a Men’s Volleyball program, which will launch competition in Fall 2022. 7KH EXLOGLQJŠV ODUJH UHFWDQJXODU GHVLJQ ̃ ORQJ DQG ̃ KLJK DW LWV WDOOHVW SRLQW ZDV EDVHG RQ WKH (XURSHDQ PRGHO RI D ŢZLQG WXQQHOţ WUDLQLQJ IDFLOLW\ RI ZKLFK IHZ H[LVW LQ WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV ,W features six indoor running lanes that span 120 meters (with an outdoor straightaway stretching an additional 60 meters in four ODQHV DQG PHWHUV LQ WZR ODQHV D ORQJ MXPS SLW ̃ RI turf for indoor throwing and two dedicated pole vault areas. Ţ̐,7 :$6̑ 815($/ 0< (;&,7(0(17 :$6 7+528*+ 7+( 522) ţ – Richard Corbet, junior International Business major and sprinter. Ţ)RU RXU HQWLUH WUDFN DQG ƃHOG IDPLO\ RI FXUUHQW IRUPHU DQG IXWXUH VWXGHQW DWKOHWHV WKH 7UDLQLQJ &HQWHU LV more WKDQ MXVW D SODFH WR WUDLQ LW LV D home ţ – Head Men’s and Women’s Track and Field Coach Danny Wilkerson Ţ,Š9( 7$/.(' 72 $ )(: '21256 $/5($'< $1' 7+$1.(' 7+(0 ̐%87̑ 72 7+26( 7+$7 , +$9(1Š7 7$/.(' 72 <28 &+$1*(' 0< /,)( Ũ , &$1127 7+$1. <28 (128*+ )25 7+,6 23325781,7< – Travis Sperry, senior liberal studies major and sprinter. 5 SPRING 2021 Continued on p. 6