Faculty & Staff News – Spring 2019

Fish Presents at Young Authors’ Conference
Michelle Fish ’94, Ph.D.,
assistant professor of education, presented at the Penn-Harris-Madison
Young Authors’ Conference, March 9. The presentation focused on how
parents can use children’s literature to connect with writing at home.
For the past year, Fish has served as a Children’s Choices Team Leader, a
designation by the International Literacy Association.

Bethel Kinesiology Professor Releases Book, “Power Play: Empowerment of the African American Student-Athlete”
Assistant Professor of Kinesiology and Department Chair Enzley Mitchell IV, Ph.D., recently released his book, “Power Play: Empowerment of the African American Student-Athlete.” In this book, he proposes two reforms to the present commercialization of NCAA Division I football and basketball and the exploitation of African-American student-athletes. Mitchell presents detailed data about revenue generation in college sports, as well as compelling reasons why student-athletes in the revenue-producing sports of Division I football and basketball are exploited, and why it happens most often to African-American students.
“The reader will discover how race, politics, equity and other issues make the question of whether or not to share revenue with student-athletes a difficult issue to tackle,” says Mitchell.
Chi Published in Journal of Research in Personality
Terry Chi, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology, was the second author of the article, “Facial affect recognition in college students with psychopathic traits: A comparison using test matched in discriminating power,” published in the Journal of Research in Personality. Chi worked with colleague and first author David S. Kosson, Ph.D., Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, along with four other colleagues, to complete the eight-year study. Their work examined underlying characteristics of people with psychopathic traits by developing measures of facial affect recognition. According to Chi, two important contributions of this study are: first, what are the true underlying characteristics of people with psychopathic traits? Second, can we be sure that the findings out there have truly and accurately addressed these issues?
Bethel Nursing Professors Publish Article
Dean of Nursing Deborah Gillum, Ph.D., and Miriam Mast, were co-authors of the article, “Case Study of Nurses’ Experiences Related to the Deaths of Their Patients,” published in The Health Care Manager (January/March, 2019, Vol. 38, Issue 1). Mast, as a graduate student in Bethel’s MSN program, chose to do a qualitative case study methodology, which was applied to explore how nurses cope when their patients die. Gillum was her advisor and co-author, lending expert insight to the research project. Mast sampled 16 participants at a rural 123-bed community hospital and came away with nine themes (such as family issues and role of nurses).

Harold and Barb Rodgers Retire
After a combined 50 years of service to Bethel College, Harold ’74 and Barb (Krake) Rodgers ’75 retired Jan. 4, 2019. Harold (Director of Administrative Computing)
worked at Bethel since 1995 and Barb (Administrative Assistant to the
President) worked at Bethel since 1991. Their retirement plans include
doing a little traveling and spending time with family.

Engbrecht Retires after Three Decades of Service
Dennis Engbrecht ’75 Ph.D., professor of history, is retiring after serving the college for 33 years. In addition to teaching history (1986-2019), Engbrecht’s roles over the years included: oversight to athletics, chair of religion and philosophy, director of the master of ministries program, vice president of academics (1989-1991), vice president for student development (1986-2010) and senior vice president (1991-2013). He also led task force trips to Alaska and, in 2017, published, “With Christ at the Helm: The Story of Bethel College.”
“The past 33 years serving the students of Bethel have been a testimony to the abundant grace and matchless power of God. He must have a great sense of humor … finding some way to use someone like me to achieve His purpose. Bethel College has been far better to me than I deserve. I’ve been blessed to work with some of the most dedicated and brightest colleagues that can be found on any college campus,” Engbrecht says.
Korenstra, Smiley Added to Board of Trustees
In Fall 2018, Bruce Korenstra and Billy Smiley were added to the Bethel College Board of Trustees. Korenstra has been an investor/owner in small business manufacturing for more than 30 years in northern Indiana. With an accounting background, his primary responsibility has been acting financial officer. He serves on the Financial Affairs Committee. Billy Smiley (attended ’75-’76), is a songwriter, musician and producer who founded Northern Shore Production company in Nashville, Tenn., and Scottsdale, Ariz. He has produced more than 60 albums, and 30 No. 1 songs, and has five Grammy nominations. He serves on the Student Development Committee, and is involved in the Worship Arts program on campus.