A donor-funded trip allowed Bethel staff to visit with alumni, friends and prospective students on three Hawaiian islands in February.

President Bellefeuille provides an update for the Pacific Mission Network Conference of the Missionary Church on Oahu.
Joe Johns (Bethel parent and director of strategic partnerships for World Partners), Barb (Krake) Rodgers ’75, Emily (Rogers) Sherwood ’99, Patti Fisher (senior director of IT), and Dr. Bellefeuille enjoy a bird’s-eye view of the island of Kauai.
Bethel parents and retired pastor Rev. Norman and Nancy Okasako, at the Pacific Mission Network Conference.
Members of the Koloa Missionary Church youth group prepare to serve dinner at the Aloha Network Conference on Kauai.
The Bethel team enjoys time with Rev. Dr. Harold Ayabe and his daughter, Dr. Sharon at Moanalua Gardens Missionary Church.
Alumna Mayumi Stevens ’04 greets Dr. Bellefeuille and Patti Fisher at the Honolulu airport along with Dr. Sharon.
With Lynne McLaren ’64, who hosted Barb Rodgers and Emily Sherwood for a portion of the trip. Lynne’s late husband, Phil ’64, was a faculty member at Bethel in the 70s.