Bethel University-Community Impact Report 2021

&RPPXQLW\ ,PSDFW 5HSRUW _ Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company® is one of the nation’s OHDGLQJ SURSHUW\ DQG FDVXDOW\ LQVXUHUV IRU PRUH WKDQ &KULVWLDQ PLQLVWULHV :HEVLWH DJ Construction is a family owned commercial construction company HVWDEOLVKHG LQ ZLWK D FRUH SXUSRVH WR KRQRU &KULVW GR JUHDW ZRUN DQG LPSDFW SHRSOH :HEVLW H Everence Financial ® helps individuals, organizations and congregations LQWHJUDWH ƃQDQFHV ZLWK IDLWK WKURXJK D QDWLRQDO WHDP RI ƃQDQFLDO SURIHVVLRQDOV :HEVLWH Federated Media % DQG 1HZV 7DON 01& 7KH PLVVLRQ RI these radio stations is to discover and satisfy the needs of its three SULPDU\ FXVWRPHU JURXSV FRQVXPHUV FOLHQWV DQG FR ZRUNHUV LQ D ZD\ WKDW LV SURƃWDEOH IRU DOO :HEVLWHV and Gibson LV D ƃUP RI DGYLVRUV DQG FRQVXOWDQWV ZLWK D SDVVLRQ IRU KHOSLQJ people look beyond what others see to get to the proactive side of LQVXUDQFH :HEVLWH J2 Marketing is a brand expression agency, ridiculously good at helping business sound a clear and compelling message in a sea of noise. :HEVLWH Kinzel Consulting: (ULQ .LQ]HO LV D FHUWLƃHG 6WRU\%UDQG *XLGH ZLWK more than a decade of experience in marketing and communications. :HEVLWH Lake City Bank is a community bank 100% invested in Indiana, which PHDQV D FRPPLWPHQW WR EXLOGLQJ VWURQJ ORFDO UHODWLRQVKLSV :HEVLWH St. Joseph Health System $ /HJDF\ RI &DULQJ 6DLQW -RVHSK +HDOWK 6\VWHP LV D QRW IRU SURƃW PXOWL KRVSLWDO KHDOWK V\VWHP ORFDWHG LQ 1RUWK &HQWUDO ,QGLDQD :HEVLWH United Federal Credit Union takes its commitment both to its PHPEHUV DQG FRPPXQLWLHV WR KHDUW 7KDWŠV ZKDW PDNHV D GLƂHUHQFH LQ KRZ FXVWRPHUV H[SHULHQFH LWV SHRSOH VHUYLFHV DQG EHQHƃWV :HEVLWH &20081,7< 3$571(56 WHY BETHEL? Ţ2XU UHODWLRQVKLS LV Ũ QRW EXLOW RQ FRQVWUXFWLRQ EXW RQ VKDUHG FRPPRQDOLWLHV LQ RXU SXUVXLW RI KRQRULQJ &KULVW DQG LPSDFWLQJ WKRVH DURXQG XV IRU His kingdom.” – DJ Construction “We’re pleased to be among Bethel University’s community partners.We understand the immense value Christian education brings to our communities. That’s why we’re committed to walking alongside Bethel University as you raise up Christlike men and women whose hearts are focused on building the Kingdom.” – Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company Ţ%HWKHO 8QLYHUVLW\ LV DQ LPSRUWDQW SDUWQHU WR (YHUHQFH EHFDXVH RXU YDOXHV DOLJQ DQG ZH DUH DEOH WR PXWXDOO\ EHQHƃW HDFK RWKHU RXU QRUWKHUQ Indiana communities and beyond.” – Everence “The ability to work side-by-side with Bethel students and faculty, and come together for a common cause has been one of the most rewarding aspects of this partnership.” – United Federal Credit Union