Ricardo Carvalho ’15 never envisioned himself in Mishawaka, Ind., with a college degree and three languages under his belt by his mid-twenties. The business administration major, who hails from Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil, came to Bethel College after connecting with Bethel Head Men’s Soccer Coach Thiago Pinto ’05, ’07, ’11, through mutual friends in Brazil. Studying and playing soccer at Bethel proved to be life-changing for Carvalho, who was recently honored as the 2014 NCCAA/NSCAA Player of the Year for D1 men’s soccer (a first in Bethel men’s soccer history).
World Race: 11 Countries, 11 Months
Lindsay Sherburn ’13 recently returned to the United States after the globe-trotting experience of a lifetime. She trekked through the foothills of the Himalaya Mountains in Nepal, taught English in Moldova and Thailand, wrote newsletters and prepared land for farming in Romania, served as a Spanish-English translator in Guatemala, crossed the Pacific Ocean by fishing boat from El Salvador to Nicaragua, ate strange and interesting food and learned about how the love of God knows no borders.
It was all part of World Race, an 11-month, 11-country mission trip where participants are trained and equipped to work with local churches and organizations to meet community needs while living radically for the sake of the Gospel (worldrace.org).
Alumnus Opens Private Law Practice
Joel Dendiu ’07 recently opened his own law practice in Mishawaka, Ind., called Mishawaka Law. Dendiu specializes in personal legal issues, primarily related to family law (such as divorces, guardianships, adoptions). He also handles estate planning and probate, bankruptcy, real estate transactions and general litigation. He strives not only to be a good attorney but also a good listener, serving his clients to the best of his ability.
Nursing Alumna Awarded for Heroic Actions
Brooke Whittaker ’07 graduated from Bethel College with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree and serves as a nurse at Memorial Hospital, working primarily in the heart and vascular unit. She generally works the night shift and often works overtime, but on Sunday, Aug. 17, something remarkable happened.
Alumnus Launches “Favorite Book Project”
Hesbon Mwangi’s time at Bethel left a deep impression on him. He says he considers himself privileged to have received such a quality education and that he wants to make a difference for children back in Kenya by providing books and materials that will promote their education. That’s why he started “The Favorite Book” project.
Building Confidence Through Art
When Shelby Glantz ’15 first heard about an opportunity to teach art classes for students at the Center for the Homeless in South Bend, she was immediately intrigued. This would be a way to use her passion to meet a need in the community.
Alumna Works to Expand Social Justice Enterprise
When Jenny (Dyer) McGee ’99 graduated with a degree in literature and language, she never imagined that, one day, she’d be running an international business.
She set out to do mission work in East Asia and had a heart for women who were victims of trafficking. McGee envisioned Bible studies and one-on-one ministry with these women but soon discovered they could not build a new life without something extremely practical – a new way to earn a living.
From Biblical Studies to Prison Ministry
When Cory Martin ’00 walked across the stage at graduation, he certainly didn’t expect that God would lead him to pursue jail ministry. He had just earned his bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies and planned to become a youth pastor.
Empowered Through Education
A survivor of domestic slavery, Shanti Lama ’15 once thought obtaining a college degree was impossible. Now, she’s is taking what she’s learned to empower people in her home country.
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Daring to Achieve the Impossible
Joel Runyon ’09 aims to build seven schools through running seven ultra-marathons on seven continents.
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