Bethel University Magazine Fall 2021

IN MEMORY Gary Bruney ’67 DJH RI Davison, Mich., passed away on 0D\ DW +XUOH\ 0HGLFDO Center. He was born to Mars DQG /XFLOOH %UXQH\ RQ -XO\ LQ 6SULQJƃHOG 2KLR +H graduated from Shawnee High 6FKRRO LQ DQG DWWHQGHG Bethel College, where he met Bonnie Doelle ’67. $̃HU graduation, they married on -XQH *DU\ ZDV D teacher at Davison Community 6FKRROV IRU RYHU \HDUV ZKHUH he was known by his students DV ş.LQJ RI WKH &RRO .LGV Š +H was passionate about seeing his students succeed, not just in school, but also in life. He viewed his family as his biggest accomplishment and took great joy and pride in them. Gary was known as a great encourager with a positive and upbeat personality. He was a member of numerous social clubs and service organizations, such as the Optimist Club (serving as president). Gary was a faithful member of Davison Missionary Church and was involved in the church’s ministry for many years. He leaves behind a legacy of servanthood, friendship and leadership. Gary is survived by his wife, Bonnie, of Davison; his three sons and daughters-in-law, Jon ’94 (Amy ’95) Bruney of Fremont, Ind., James ’01 (Sarah) Bruney of Howell, Mich., and -Ḫ ñ $PDQGD ñ %UXQH\ RI 3HWRVNH\ 0LFK DQG VL[ grandchildren. Nicolas (Nick) Garcia ’90 , DJH RI 1HZ &DUOLVOH ,QG passed away on April 1, 2021, in Indianapolis, Ind. He was born $SULO LQ %URZQVYLOOH 7H[DV WR WKH ODWH 1LFRODV DQG Carmen (Cortez) Garcia. He came to Indiana to study at Bethel College where he earned two bachelor’s degrees: Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management. 1LFN ZRUNHG LQ %XVLQHVV 'HYHORSPHQW IRU 836 IRU \HDUV UHWLULQJ LQ +H DOVR worked with youth: coaching, teaching and mentoring. On -XQH KH PDUULHG Penny Paul in Mishawaka, Ind. She survives, along with three GDXJKWHUV DQG VL[ JUDQGFKLOGUHQ 1LFN ZDV D ZRQGHUIXO KXVEDQG father and grandfather and will be deeply missed. He was a strong but tender man, full of integrity and compassion, always serving others before himself. He never missed an opportunity WR VKDUH WKH ORYH RI -HVXV ZLWK RWKHUV 1LFN DOZD\V KDG WLPH WR sit, listen and talk with anyone. He loved to laugh and joke and he loved life. He spoke life and HQFRXUDJHG HYHU\RQH WR ƃQG their passion, develop it, and become who they were created to be. He was always reading, buying and dedicating books to others. He was a warrior for the Lord and he took his mission seriously. Audrey P. (Good) Clyde ’53 , DJH IRUPHUO\ RI (ONKDUW DQG Syracuse, Ind. passed away on April 16, 2021, in Sheboygan Falls,Wis., where she and her KXVEDQG 5REHUW Š UHVLGHG IRU 14 months. Audrey was born in .LWFKHQHU 2QWDULR &DQDGD RQ -XO\ 6KH ZDV UDLVHG LQ 6WRXƂYLOOH 2QWDULR ZKHUH VKH graduated from high school at the age of 16 and worked for a year before continuing her studies at Bethel College (now University) in Mishawaka, ,QG 6KH JUDGXDWHG LQ with her Bachelor of Arts in %LEOLFDO /LWHUDWXUH D̃HU ZKLFK she served as a secretary at Gospel Center United Missionary Church, South Bend. There she met her husband, Robert, where they were united in marriage RQ -XQH 'XULQJ her husband’s many years in Christian ministry, Audrey served alongside him as a church pianist, organist, Sunday School teacher and choir member. She ZDV KLJKO\ JL̃HG LQ VHZLQJ FRRNLQJ KDQGFUD̃V JDUGHQLQJ and enjoyed serving people, especially her family. She was a PXFK VRXJKW D̃HU VHDPVWUHVV for many years, and was well known for her deep love of God’s creation and His many four- legged creatures. Most recently VKH ZDV D PHPEHU RI 1DSSDQHH 0LVVLRQDU\ &KXUFK 1DSSDQHH Ind. Audrey is survived by her loving husband, four children, Heather ’77 (David) Tempas ; April (Curt) Oberholtzer; Robert ’83 -RVLH Clyde; and Andrew ’85 -HQQLIHU Clyde; VL[ grandchildren; and one great- grandchild. Kevin D. Kiefer ’05 DJH of Bremen, Ind., passed away $XJ LQ KLV KRPH .HYLQ ZDV ERUQ 1RY LQ 0LVKDZDND WR 6WHYHQ .LHIHU and Amy Culp, who survive him. He is survived by his sister, Stephanie (Edwardo) Maldonado of Elkhart, and two nephews, Ezekiel and Elias; grandparents, Shirley Ellis and Bill Culp, of Monticello, as well as numerous aunts and uncles. .HYLQ ZDV HPSOR\HG E\ *UDSKL[ Unlimited in Bremen and was a member of Horizon Church. He was part of the Indiana Young Republicans and volunteered for &RQJUHVVZRPDQ -DFNLH :DORUVNL (R) and U.S. Senator Todd Young 5 .HYLQ ZDV D UHSUHVHQWDWLYH for Compassion International and was very passionate about donating blood and platelets. Charles Edward Krug ’76 , DJH SDVVHG DZD\ RQ -XO\ +H ZDV D GHYRWHG husband, dad, brother, uncle, cousin and friend, who always shared a smile and kind words with others. Charlie was born RQ -DQ LQ 6RXWK %HQG Ind., joining his parents Edward :LOKHOP .UXJ DQG 0DWWLH /HQD %XUNV DQG KLV VL[ ROGHU VLEOLQJV He graduated from Adams High 6FKRRO LQ DQG ZDV GUD̃HG 24 %(7+(/81,9(56,7< ('8̌0$*$=,1(