Bethel University Magazine Fall 2021

to serve in the U.S. armed forces. Charlie received an honorable GLVFKDUJH LQ GXH WR KHDULQJ loss, a disability he lived with most of his life. He went on to obtain a B.A. in Sociology from Bethel College. Charlie married WKH ORYH RI KLV OLIH 3HQQ\ -R\ 0LOOHU RQ -DQ $ KDUG worker, Charlie held positions at Studebakers, Convair and Cubics in San Diego, Calif., and General Liquors before he opened his own painting business. Charlie loved to travel and visited 47 FRXQWULHV DQG HYHU\ VWDWH H[FHSW Alaska. He also participated in nearly 20 mission trips. Two of KLV IDYRULWH H[SHULHQFHV ZHUH visiting a leprosy hospital in Ecuador and working at the Ankaase Methodist Hospital in Ghana, Africa. Charlie was baptized at Broadway (YDQJHOLFDO &KXUFK LQ and was a member of Evangel Heights United Methodist Church. Norman R.White attended ’54-’56 DJH SDVVHG DZD\ 0DUFK 1RUPDQ ZDV ERUQ RQ $XJ DQG ZDV a Christian by faith. A loving husband, father and friend, he will be missed by all who knew him. Survivors include his loving wife, Bethel Mae, his children and other family and friends. SENDING EQUIPPING NETWORKING MULTIPLYING World Partners exists to impact the world for Christ by identifying, equipping, and empowering men and women to launch disciple making movements. We are committed to: | 260.747.9439 | | I nstagram: @world_partne rs | F acebook: World Partners