Bethel University Magazine Spring 2021

25 She was born in Maryville, Mo. Dorcyle is preceded in death by her husband, Don (2015), IDWKHU DQG PRWKHU 6KH JUDGXDWHG IURP Bethel College, earning a B.A. in 0XVLF (GXFDWLRQ ,Q VKH moved to San Antonio, Texas, to continue her schooling. Instead, she took a job with a large newspaper and worked with music in area churches. Dorcyle PDUULHG 'RQ : 0F&OXUH LQ 7KH\ OLYHG LQ YDULRXV WRZQV in Texas, working together as church organist and choir director. Dorcyle was employed by the electric utility company, DW DQ RSWRPHWULVW RƅFH DV a paraeducator, as Senior Secretary of Consumer Sciences DW 7H[DV :RPHQ V 8QLYHUVLW\ and as substitute teacher in the .UXP 6FKRRO 'LVWULFW Sherman Mills ’51 , age 91, RI :HVWƃHOG ,QG IRUPHUO\ RI Omaha, Neb., died Dec. 5, 2020, while in the home of son, Dan Š DQG GDXJKWHU LQ ODZ -RQL in Noblesville, Ind. Sherman graduated from Bethel College ZLWK D % $ LQ %LEOH +H ZDV D IXOO WLPH PLQLVWHU IRU \HDUV LQ the Missionary Church Midwest 'LVWULFW SDVWRULQJ GLƂHUHQW churches in Nebraska, Iowa, and 6RXWK 'DNRWD +H WDXJKW SXEOLF VFKRRO LQ /HZHOOHQ 1HE $̃HU retiring as a full-time church minister in 1995, he worked DW /LIHFDUH 1XUVLQJ +RPH LQ Omaha, as a maintenance PDQ DQG FKDSODLQ ,Q KH transitioned to Fountain View Active Retirement Community. Glen Musselman DJH passed away peacefully Feb. 1, 2021. Glen was the son of the late Eldon J. and Elsie %RZPDQ 0XVVHOPDQ ,Q Glen married the love of his life, Ţ6SLNHţ :\DWW 6KH VXUYLYHV KLP +H LV DOVR VXUYLYHG E\ PDQ\ loving cousins and friends. Glen owned and operated his own ODZ ƃUP *OHQ ( 0XVVHOPDQ Law, for many years before his UHWLUHPHQW LQ $XJXVW RI +H ZDV DQ DYLG UHDGHU DQG ZDV active on many boards, including at Bethel University where he was an Emeritus Board Member. +H DQG 6SLNH ORYHG WR WUDYHO and up until 2020, always went to their winter home in Florida. Glen also proudly served in WKH $UP\ DQG ZDV +RQRUDEO\ Discharged in 1963. Priscilla (Barlow) Norris ’63 , DJH RI $UJRV ,QG SDVVHG away Dec. 20, 2020. She was born in Plymouth, Ind. She PDUULHG &XUWLV 1RUULV LQ with whom she had a son, 1DWKDQ /HH 1RUULV LQ Priscilla and Curtis later divorced. She taught lower elementary LQ +LOOVERURXJK )OD IURP WR ,Q VKH EHJDQ working as a Quality Control Technician at Del Monte in Plymouth, until 1993 when she OH̃ GXH WR D GLVDELOLW\ 3ULVFLOOD was a graduate of Bethel College with a B.S. in Elementary Education. She was a member of the Plymouth Church of God. She was very interested in Christian missions and served in a mission for Cuban refugees in 1963 and later served on a mission trip to South America. Kenneth Parsons ’52 , age RI %XIRUG *D SDVVHG DZD\ -DQ +H ZDV SUHFHGHG in death by his parents and VLVWHU .HQQHWK LV VXUYLYHG E\ KLV ZLIH RI \HDUV 'RURWK\ 6XWHU 3DUVRQV Š RI %XIRUG *D FKLOGUHQ 'DUOHQH Š DQG (G 6RPPHU Š &KHU\O Š DQG 6FRWW ,UZLQ Š 5D\PRQG DQG &KULVWLQH 3DUVRQV DQG .HQW DQG -HQQ\ 3DUVRQV JUDQGFKLOGUHQ QLQH JUHDW JUDQGFKLOGUHQ DQG several nieces, nephews and cousins. Born in Detroit, he was a graduate of Bethel University and American Conservatory of Music in Chicago, Ill., where he received his Master's Degree LQ 0XVLF +H ZDV D 9HWHUDQ RI WKH 8 6 $UP\ WR .HQQHWK ZDV D UHWLUHG PXVLF teacher from South Bend &RPPXQLW\ 6FKRROV +H ZDV D PHPEHU RI +DPLOWRQ 0LOO 8QLWHG Methodist Church in Dacula, Ga. Morganna (Snyder) Schwing ’82 DJH RI 6RXWK %HQG ,QG passed away unexpectedly Nov. DW 0HPRULDO +RVSLWDO She was born in Oakland City, Ind., to the late Donald E. and Marjorie (Loveless) Snyder. In 1965, she married Donald Lee Schwing who survives. 'DXJKWHU .DUHQ $ Š DQG %LOO Palmateer ’90 of Atlanta, Ga., VRQ 0DUN $ Š DQG $PEHU Schwing ’10 of South Bend, and ƃYH JUDQGFKLOGUHQ DOVR VXUYLYH 0RUJDQQD UHWLUHG IURP 3 + 0 6FKRRO &RUS DV D 6RFLDO Studies teacher at Grissom Middle School. She was an active member of Trinity Evangelical Free Church, involved in many ministries. She received a B.A. from Bethel College, and an M.A. in Elementary Education from Indiana University South Bend. She was a member of National Education Association, and Indiana State Teachers Association. Nancy Snell DJH RI 6RXWK Bend, passed away Jan. 15, 2021, DW 0HPRULDO +RVSLWDO %RUQ LQ Evansville, Ind., she attended Indiana State University, where VKH PHW -DPHV + 6QHOO Š KHU KXVEDQG RI \HDUV 1DQF\ ZDV a secretary at Bethel College IURP XQWLO UHWLUHPHQW LQ 2016. James became a pastor IURP XQWLO KLV GHDWK LQ 2006, and she served with KLP DW %HDYHU &UHHN :HVOH\DQ Church. Surviving are two sons, James Jr. (Marty) Snell, 7LPRWK\ . 6QHOO ERWK RI (DUO 3DUN ,QG GDXJKWHU .DWKOHHQ Š -DFN Š 6WULFNODQG RI 6RXWK %HQG JUDQGFKLOGUHQ Nicholas Strickland’s wife Chloe Reitherman ’13, Isaiah 7DWXP 6WULFNODQG DQG (GGLH and four great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by KHU SDUHQWV EURWKHU VRQ -HƂUH\ Snell, and grandson, Nicholas Strickland. SPRING 2021