Bethel University Magazine Spring 2021

BY THE NUMBERS: BETHEL’S ECONOMIC IMPACT ON INDIANA* According to ICI, higher education impacts the local and state HFRQRP\ LQ IRXU ZD\V • Direct purchase of goods and services and indirect/induced LPSDFW RI WKRVH WUDQVDFWLRQV • Development of a workforce that provides the region with a FRPSDUDWLYH DGYDQWDJH WR DWWUDFW RWKHU LQGXVWU\ ŧ +LJKHU LQFRPHV RI JUDGXDWHV ZKR KDYH LQFUHDVHG SXUFKDVLQJ SRZHU D̃HU JUDGXDWLRQ DQG • An intergenerational equity that continues the cycle of higher incomes for the children and families of college graduates. BETHEL UNIVERSITY RECEIVES $255,000 LIFT GRANT Bethel University presented a revised Phase II proposal to the LIFT Digital Skills Accelerator Fund, which was accepted in April. The WRWDO SURMHFW EXGJHW LQFOXGHV D IRU 3KDVH ,, DQG RI UHPDLQLQJ 3KDVH , SODQQLQJ JUDQW IXQGV %HWKHOŠV SURMHFW DGGUHVVHV WZR DUHDV )XWXUH 7DOHQW 3LSHOLQH 'HYHORSPHQW and Adult and Incumbent Digital Skills Retraining. Read more at . BETHEL UNIVERSITY AWARDED $1 MILLION GRANT FROM LILLY ENDOWMENT INC. %HWKHO 8QLYHUVLW\ LV WKH UHFLSLHQW RI D PLOOLRQ JUDQW IURP /LOO\ Endowment Inc., through its initiative, Charting the Future for Indiana’s Colleges and Universities. Bethel will use its grant to provide resources and support for diversity and inclusion, mental health services, career preparedness, the Field Scholar program, Bethel University Extension Studies (BU-X), and improved classroom technology. Read more at . NATIONAL RECOGNITION FOR BETHEL UNIVERSITY Colleges of Distinction – Bethel was named a 2020 College of Distinction. This honor is given to colleges and universities that H[FHO LQ WKH )RXU 'LVWLQFWLRQV HQJDJHG VWXGHQWV JUHDW WHDFKLQJ vibrant communities and successful outcomes. LEHMAN FAMILY TRAINING CENTER OPENS FOR STUDENT USE 7KH PLOOLRQ IDFLOLW\ EXLOW DV SDUW RI %HWKHOŠV *52: FDPSDLJQ H[SDQGV WKH VRXWK VLGH RI FDPSXV DQG VLWV RQ ƃYH DFUHV RI previously undeveloped land. The center will be home to Bethel’s QDWLRQDO FKDPSLRQ WUDFN DQG ƃHOG WHDPV ZLWK UHFUHDWLRQDO opportunities for all students. WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL WINS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP %HWKHOŠV :RPHQŠV 9ROOH\EDOO WHDP ZRQ WKH 1&&$$ 1DWLRQDO &KDPSLRQVKLS EULQJLQJ WKH 3LORWVŠ WRWDO WR 1DWLRQDO Championships. BETHEL TO LAUNCH MEN’S VOLLEYBALL In Fall 2021, Bethel University will launch recruitment for Men's Volleyball, which will begin intercollegiate competition in Fall 2022. The team will compete in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) as a championship sport and the National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA) as an invitational sport. BETHEL UNI VERS I TY HIGHL IGHTS Lehman Family Training Center Women's Volleyball Team Bethel’s alumni directly purchase PLOOLRQ in goods and services for a total impact of PLOOLRQ and MREV FUHDWHG * From Independent Colleges of Indiana (ICI) Economic Impact Report, 2019 IXOO WLPH employees 1,362 enrolled students (VW $OXPQL LQ Indiana 26 %(7+(/81,9(56,7< ('8̌0$*$=,1(