Spring 2023 Bethel Magazine

HUMAN PERFORMANCE LAB OPENS UP OPPORTUNITIES FOR KINESIOLOGY STUDENTS 4 %(7+(/81,9(56,7< ('8̌0$*$=,1( 2Ƃ WKH EDFN FRUQHU RI *RRGPDQ *\PQDVLXP LV D QHZO\ UHQRYDWHG JUDQW IXQGHG VSDFH WKDW LV PDNLQJ D ELJ GLƂHUHQFH IRU VWXGHQWV in Bethel University’s Kinesiology programs. Now nearly three times its former size, the Human Performance Lab features a large LQVWUXFWLRQ URRP DQG VPDOOHU 92 0D[ WHVWLQJ ODE ZLWK UHVHDUFK grade equipment. The instruction room has taping and treatment tables and supplies for students to practice taping and assessment skills, a television DQG VSDFH WR WHDFK IXQFWLRQDO PRYHPHQW ,Q WKH VPDOOHU ODE D OHDG HOHFWURFDUGLRJUDP (&* DQG WUHDGPLOO VKRZ VWXGHQWV ƃUVWKDQG how the body responds to exercise. Senior Brenna Esh is an exercise science major who has already been accepted to an Athletic Training master’s program at Franklin College in Franklin, Ind.When she took Bethel’s Athletic Training class, she and her classmates practiced taping by sitting on classroom tables, which weren’t the correct height and posed hygiene issues. Ţ, WKLQN >WKLV QHZ ODE@ LV JRLQJ WR RSHQ XS D ORW RI RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU SHRSOH JRLQJ LQWR DWKOHWLF WUDLQLQJ DQG RFFXSDWLRQDO DQG SK\VLFDO WKHUDS\ ţ VKH VD\V Ţ,WŠV D UHDOO\ QLFH VSDFH ţ Already, the Human Assessment in Performance class has used the lab to assess the performance of the Men’s Soccer Team, by putting them through the Bruce protocol, a predication test for the maximum rate of exertion. Ţ:H GLG WKH EDVHOLQH WHVW D̃HU WKH\ KDG ZRQ WKH >1$,$@ QDWLRQDO championship and weren’t training,” says junior Chloe Crompton, an exercise science major who hopes to go into strength and FRQGLWLRQLQJ Ţ:HŠOO WHVW WKHP DJDLQ D̃HU WKH\ŠYH EHHQ FRQGLWLRQLQJ this spring.” BY -*44" ƹ(3"4)03/ƺ %*": e