Spring 2023 Bethel Magazine

5 SPRING 2023 7KHVH W\SHV RI UHDO ZRUOG WHVWV FDQ VKRZ VWXGHQWV DW WKH undergraduate level, how training impacts performance, better preparing them for careers and graduate school. “The expansion of the lab and the new equipment will allow our VWXGHQWV WR KDYH KDQGV RQ WUDLQLQJ WR EHWWHU SUHSDUH WKHP IRU D variety of professions, from coaches to physical educators to any of the therapies,” says Mary Estepp, department chair and assistant professor of kinesiology. “We will now have the ability to allow students to study the maximal oxygen utilization during intense H[HUFLVH XVLQJ WRS RI WKH OLQH HTXLSPHQW 7KH QHZ VSDFH DQG equipment will allow students to implement strategies to increase DQ LQGLYLGXDOŠV ƃWQHVV DQG KHDOWK IURP WKH DVVHVVPHQWV WKH\ are performing.” Bethel’s kinesiology department houses four majors including H[HUFLVH VFLHQFH SUH SK\VLFDO WKHUDS\ VSRUW PDQDJHPHQW VSRUW studies and health/physical education. In the last 12 years, nearly 30% of students graduating from these programs have gone on to earn master’s or doctorate degrees; others have gone into coaching, SHUVRQDO WUDLQLQJ JURXS ƃWQHVV DQG SXEOLF KHDOWK “No matter the major, all students are required to have an LQWHUQVKLS ZKLFK R̃HQ RSHQV GRRUV IRU IXWXUH FDUHHUV ţ Estepp explains. ,Q WKH IXWXUH %HWKHO SODQV WR RƂHU QHLJKERUKRRG QLJKWV LQ WKH Human Performance Lab, open to the community, to teach about KHDOWK DQG ƃWQHVV WRSLFV See more photos at BethelUniversity.edu/Magazine . Page 4: 6WXGHQWV GHPRQVWUDWH 92 0D[ WHVWLQJ ZLWKRXW WKH OHDG (&* Top: An open house for the newly renovated and expanded space was held Feb. 23. /H˪ Students practice functional movement assesments. Right: Students demonstrate taping on athletic training tables in the Human Performance Lab.