Senior Collin Smith shares, in his own words, how a campus visit led him to Bethel College. Now, the communication major serves as a campus tour guide, leading even more students to a college decision.
Building a Better Life Through Education
On Saturday, April 30, Yesenia Raygoza ’16 achieved a dream that’s been years in the making. The human services major walked in Bethel College’s adult and graduate studies commencement ceremony. After a summer internship, she will receive her bachelor’s degree – and she will have done so debt-free.
The single mom came to Bethel to make a better life for herself and her family. What she found here was real-life application in every class, caring faculty and a subject matter that she was passionate about.
Senior Psychology Major Headed for Doctoral Program at Wheaton College
Graduating senior Taylor Nicoletti, the Elizabeth Hossler Outstanding Psychology Student award winner, is packing up and moving to the Chicagoland area where she will enter Wheaton College’s Clinical Psychology doctoral program in fall. The application was long and the process took a lot of work, but Nicoletti felt it was worth the effort.
Studying Abroad at Oxford
Four Bethel students, including junior Alex Busse, spent the spring semester in Oxford, England, studying at the University of Oxford, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the English speaking world. The group will return to campus Monday, April 19. Busse shares about his experience abroad — from classes, to culture to food.
- April 15, 2016
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Cultivating a Culture of Innovation at Bethel [Video]
The Bethel Innovation Gateway (BIG) is both a place and an idea that grew out of Innovation Leadership Immersion training at the Pfeil Innovation Center in South Bend.
- April 1, 2016
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