Bethel University Magazine Fall 2020

NATIONAL RECOGNITION FOR BETHEL UNIVERSITY This fall, Bethel was named a 2020 College of Distinction and was recognized in three annual college guide publications: • Money Magazine recognized Bethel as a “Best College for Your Money 2020.” • Washington Monthly named Bethel on its list of “Best Bang for the Buck Colleges – Midwest” and its national list of “Top Master’s Universities” • U.S. News ranked Bethel No. 33 on its “Midwest’s Best Regional Universities” list and No. 5 on its list of “Top Performers on Social Mobility – Regional Universities Midwest.” VAN AND JEAN GATES WELCOME CENTER DEDICATED On Aug. 10, Bethel University dedicated the Van and Jean Gates Welcome Center. The center features a large reception area, conference space and bathrooms for admission guests. It is connected to the Yeager Barn (now renovated) and has an outdoor FRXUW\DUG QDPHG IRU %HWKHOŠV ƃUVW JUDGXDWH 0DUFXV .UDNH ş DQG his wife Virginia (Schultz) Krake ’49. Read more on p. 14. LEHMAN FAMILY TRAINING CENTER UNDER CONSTRUCTION Bethel University is expanding training facilities to serve current DQG IXWXUH VWXGHQW DWKOHWHV DQG WKH ƃWQHVV LQWHUHVWV RI WKH student body. The $4 million Lehman Family Training Center is currently under construction on Bethel’s campus and is on schedule to be completed by the end of 2020. PILOT ESPORTS TEAM LAUNCHED IN 2020 This fall, the Bethel Athletic Department formed an esports team, which is organized, multiplayer video gaming played competitively for spectators. It has the fastest-growing global audience of all sports, estimated at 433 million fans. According to the National Association of Collegiate Esports, more than 170 colleges and universities have a varsity esports program, with many students concentrated in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) majors. Read more on page 17. 7+,5'ˮ3$57< 6859(< 6+2:6 678'(17 $1' EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION A recent Bethel-commissioned survey out of Washington D.C. from Fabrizio, Lee & Associates showed nine out of 10 students DQG HPSOR\HHV DUH VDWLVƃHG ZLWK WKHLU GHFLVLRQ WR ZRUN RU VWXG\ DW Bethel. The survey was conducted using grant money awarded to research the perceptions and needs of Bethel constituents as well as gauging perception of people with no connection to Bethel. BETHEL UNIVERSITY AWARDED $1 MILLION GRANT FROM LILLY ENDOWMENT INC. Bethel University is the recipient of a $1 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc., through its initiative, Charting the Future for Indiana’s Colleges and Universities. Bethel will use its grant to provide resources and support for diversity and inclusion, mental health services, career preparedness, the Field Scholar program, Bethel University Extension Studies (BU-X), and improved classroom technology. Read the fulll release a t BethelUniversity. edu/News. BETHEL UNI VERS I TY HIGHL IGHTS Lehman Family Training Center Van and Jean Gates Welcome Center Lehman Family Training Center 26 %(7+(/81,9(56,7< ('8̌0$*$=,1(